Life is normal as in my hometown back then, it just that I have to spend more on food here; unlike in Kampar, I always ate at home. So, without realising, I'd already spent more than RM500 in 1 week. Don't be shock, of course I'm not spending it just on food, I bought lots of stuff like petrol and stop lock for my car, shirts, slippers, hanger, cinema movie ticket and handphone monthly fee. I think my life will be very difficult when school startd since my savings doesn't left much. Hmm...Yet, I've many things I really wish to buy. Such as Gundam OO-Raiser that I saw in KLCC and also a new phone which I always wanted to replace my current phone. Haiz... Susah la....
Saturday, May 30, 2009
30th May... New Life Starts in KL
It's been a week after I shifted in Taman Melati PV6 16th floor penthouse, and I'm sharing a room with Deniel Lee who is my classmate in foundation study. Anyway, the whole house is full of my classmate, Arron, Anna, Yan Ming, Jessica, Lai Man, Deniel, Weng Foo, Jia Huei and Seng Hou.
Life is normal as in my hometown back then, it just that I have to spend more on food here; unlike in Kampar, I always ate at home. So, without realising, I'd already spent more than RM500 in 1 week. Don't be shock, of course I'm not spending it just on food, I bought lots of stuff like petrol and stop lock for my car, shirts, slippers, hanger, cinema movie ticket and handphone monthly fee. I think my life will be very difficult when school startd since my savings doesn't left much. Hmm...Yet, I've many things I really wish to buy. Such as Gundam OO-Raiser that I saw in KLCC and also a new phone which I always wanted to replace my current phone. Haiz... Susah la....
This is my room and how i arranged my stuff. Neat but not quite tidy. I've to use card board as a curtain since I don't have one.
This is my roommate's (Deniel Lee) stuff arrangement. Neat and simple.
This is our house's living room where we currently used it as a mini cyber cafe. Huge right?
This is the P1 Wi-Max we applied for our internet connection.
This is my car, Myvi EZi. And that's not my parking slot but i curi curi park there since no 1 owns it.
This is the view that we can see from our house balcony, we can see Twin Tower and KL Tower from here.
Life is normal as in my hometown back then, it just that I have to spend more on food here; unlike in Kampar, I always ate at home. So, without realising, I'd already spent more than RM500 in 1 week. Don't be shock, of course I'm not spending it just on food, I bought lots of stuff like petrol and stop lock for my car, shirts, slippers, hanger, cinema movie ticket and handphone monthly fee. I think my life will be very difficult when school startd since my savings doesn't left much. Hmm...Yet, I've many things I really wish to buy. Such as Gundam OO-Raiser that I saw in KLCC and also a new phone which I always wanted to replace my current phone. Haiz... Susah la....
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Ends & Beginings
After finishing UTAR foundation study, everyone backs to their home to have their rest.
1 month holiday seems to be a prefect days which we always wish for during study days. But, i spend it by doing the same thing everyday, sleep, PSP, eat and online. I felt boring all the time.
I miss the days when we worked together to finished the assignments;
I miss the days where we whole class having jokes in class;
I miss the days where we sat together and have drinks;
I miss the days where we celebrated festivals and birthdays...
TD1, I miss you all.
Yesterday, 20th of May 2009, was my victorious day, where the results were out. I finally can relieve from all the worries. I pass foundation study, I was so glad.
Next Monday I will be shifting to KL and start a new life there. I always wanted to leave Kampar, now I wondered how's life in KL later.
I'm looking forward to my future...
1 month holiday seems to be a prefect days which we always wish for during study days. But, i spend it by doing the same thing everyday, sleep, PSP, eat and online. I felt boring all the time.
I miss the days when we worked together to finished the assignments;
I miss the days where we whole class having jokes in class;
I miss the days where we sat together and have drinks;
I miss the days where we celebrated festivals and birthdays...
TD1, I miss you all.
Yesterday, 20th of May 2009, was my victorious day, where the results were out. I finally can relieve from all the worries. I pass foundation study, I was so glad.
Next Monday I will be shifting to KL and start a new life there. I always wanted to leave Kampar, now I wondered how's life in KL later.
I'm looking forward to my future...
Sunday, April 19, 2009
19th April 2009 Memories In TD1...
Time passes very very fast, without realizing, it's the end of the Foundation Studies...
Due to busying on my study and lazy, I've stopped updating this blog for months. Many stuff and events were happened.
Without wasting much time, I skip to the point.
Our class held a Farewell Party 3 days ago on the 16th of April 2009. The party was started at 8p.m that day. Our organizers are Aaron Chew and Daniel Lee, so i was helping out there like buying wire web, charcoal and ice, cutting sausages and fetching.
When the party was around to start, most of the boys worked together to build the fire up and the rest setting up the audio system. Well, for the girls er... playing poker cards.. =_=!!
Then we went barbecuing our food (sausages, chicken wings, chicken chest and fish balls) where everyone have to squeeze together. Erm... the chicken wings were huge which were bought from Tesco, so it take times for the wings to cooked. About 2 hours later, when everyone was full, we have a great shouting of "Yum... Sheng!!!", but I was in Daniel's room writing stuff.
Then, we played some games. First, we danced (1 of them are Para Para Sakura), then we played "Simon Says". Anyway, Only half of us participate. After that, Aaron gathered everyone in the living room to show us the slide show that he and Daniel produce, it was very touching. Lastly, a "Sharing Session" was held as usual, but this is the last chance where we can share our own feelings to others in "TD1", even if there is another in the future, but it would not be "TD1" anymore... I felt abit sad when reminding the past. I didn't share much since I'd wrote everything in Anna Leong's Memorial Book. "Altough that's the end of TD1....BUT it remains in my heart forever... Knowing you gals n guys are the best thing in my life...", that's the words I'd in my mind.
The party ended at 4a.m in the morning.
The party was quite success, but very disappointingly, some of us did not turn up.
Refreshing my memories....
SEM 1 [the ship set sails]

Everyone of us came from different places, have different thoughts, have different spoken language, have different vision, but TD1 brought us together as a family...
SEM 2 [the ship meets the valley of gigantic waves]

There were misunderstanding, argument, obstacles and even quarrel, but there do not stop us together becoming a family.
SEM 3 [the ship reach the destination]
That's maybe the end of TD1, but the journey we came through, the obstacles we faced are the best times I ever had in my life. It will continue to live on in my heart forever and ever.
TD1, I love you all!!!
Due to busying on my study and lazy, I've stopped updating this blog for months. Many stuff and events were happened.
Without wasting much time, I skip to the point.
Our class held a Farewell Party 3 days ago on the 16th of April 2009. The party was started at 8p.m that day. Our organizers are Aaron Chew and Daniel Lee, so i was helping out there like buying wire web, charcoal and ice, cutting sausages and fetching.
When the party was around to start, most of the boys worked together to build the fire up and the rest setting up the audio system. Well, for the girls er... playing poker cards.. =_=!!
Then we went barbecuing our food (sausages, chicken wings, chicken chest and fish balls) where everyone have to squeeze together. Erm... the chicken wings were huge which were bought from Tesco, so it take times for the wings to cooked. About 2 hours later, when everyone was full, we have a great shouting of "Yum... Sheng!!!", but I was in Daniel's room writing stuff.
Then, we played some games. First, we danced (1 of them are Para Para Sakura), then we played "Simon Says". Anyway, Only half of us participate. After that, Aaron gathered everyone in the living room to show us the slide show that he and Daniel produce, it was very touching. Lastly, a "Sharing Session" was held as usual, but this is the last chance where we can share our own feelings to others in "TD1", even if there is another in the future, but it would not be "TD1" anymore... I felt abit sad when reminding the past. I didn't share much since I'd wrote everything in Anna Leong's Memorial Book. "Altough that's the end of TD1....BUT it remains in my heart forever... Knowing you gals n guys are the best thing in my life...", that's the words I'd in my mind.
The party ended at 4a.m in the morning.
The party was quite success, but very disappointingly, some of us did not turn up.
Refreshing my memories....
SEM 1 [the ship set sails]


SEM 3 [the ship reach the destination]
TD1, I love you all!!!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
29th January 2009... "Crush" One of the lyrics that suits me....
I hung up the phone tonight
Something happened for the first time
Deep inside
It was a rush
What a rush
'Cause the possibility
That you would ever feel the same way
About me
It's just too much
Just too much
Why do I keep running from the truth
All I ever think about is you
You got me hypnotized
So mesmerized
And I've just got to know
Do you ever think
When you're all alone
All that we could be
Where this thing could go
Am I crazy or falling in love
Is it real or just another crush
Do you catch a breath
When I look at you
Are you holding back
Like the way I do
'Cause I'm trying, trying to walk away
But i know this crush ain't going
Going away
Has it ever crossed your mind
When we're hanging,
Spending time, girl, are we just friends
Is there more
Is there more
See it's a chance we've gotta take
'Cause I believe that we can make this
Into something that'll last
Last forever
Why do I keep running from the truth
(Why do I keep running)
All I ever think about is you
(All I ever think about)
You got me hypnotized
So mesmerized
And I've just got to know
Going away
Going away
I hung up the phone tonight
Something happened for the first time
Deep inside
It was a rush
What a rush
'Cause the possibility
That you would ever feel the same way
About me
It's just too much
Just too much
Why do I keep running from the truth
All I ever think about is you
You got me hypnotized
So mesmerized
And I've just got to know
Do you ever think
When you're all alone
All that we could be
Where this thing could go
Am I crazy or falling in love
Is it real or just another crush
Do you catch a breath
When I look at you
Are you holding back
Like the way I do
'Cause I'm trying, trying to walk away
But i know this crush ain't going
Going away
Has it ever crossed your mind
When we're hanging,
Spending time, girl, are we just friends
Is there more
Is there more
See it's a chance we've gotta take
'Cause I believe that we can make this
Into something that'll last
Last forever
Why do I keep running from the truth
(Why do I keep running)
All I ever think about is you
(All I ever think about)
You got me hypnotized
So mesmerized
And I've just got to know
Going away
Going away
Monday, January 5, 2009
5th of January 2009
OMG!!! I've been around 1 month didn't update my blog. Main reason, LAZY.... =.=
Hmm... Around this month, many things had happened. Test, Camp, Celebrations...
Since those are last year event, so i skip those, so hopefully no 1 complain about it, lol...
Last Thursday, 31th of December 2008, my class held a celebration party for new year countdown. Firstly, the class started to planned the event 2 days before the party. Everyone seems got exited. The girls prepare the food while we boys prepare stuff like charcoal, matches and all some sort of things just like going a forest camp. As a country boy(Kamparian), I've to bring my classmate to find charcoal shop. So that day going out with was Jia Huei with his car. I lead him to the town but unfortunately the shop was closed, so I lead him to another sunrise shop to buy charcoal. i felt sorry for leading Jia Huei round the town, cause... Proton cars just like petrol eater... waste lots of petrol that day... Next, departed to Mrs. Chew's(Anna)[just kidding] house to offer some help. She was shifting house form east to west lake. I was supprise when both of us Me and Jia Huei reached there, it seems like Anna's dad finished everything... And so on...
Thirdly, BBQ. Damn.. The sky seems sad for passing 2008 and keep crying like a baby leaving us trouble. Gladly, everyone attended the party in time, but mostly get wet( I wonder anyone get cold). Hey!!! Where is Kelvin?! We can't left him out!!! So I decide to fetch him( Actually Jia Huei is the driver not me), together 3 of us included Ah Foo went to Mambang Diawan. Whao... Kelvin's house like deep in the forest, hard to find at the first, lol... And so on...
Then, Let's start the BBQ, everyone was very hungry. Burn ah, Burn ah, Cook ah, Cook ah, Faster ah, Faster ah... Everyone enjoyed. One more thing, I remember that day i was competing with Jia Huei to see who can make the fire bigger. Hahaha... Blowing the fire like hell. Hahaha...
After the feast, some of us get bored so they just went out riding motor illegally in the area. everyone was exited, line up to rite motor. For me, I borrowed Seu Sin's car to drive with, just practicing... But very stress la, since the car is not mine and some more unexpected playful passengers with me... T.T
Around 11.45p.m, almost time to countdown, BUT there's where accident happened, Jia Huei and Cheng Yih fell from the motor during avoiding crushing to another motorcyclist... Jia Huei was badly hurt, bleeding some more... I felt sorry, I cant do a thing, plus standing a side like an idiot.
At 12a.m, 1st of 2009!!! We celebrated beside the lake, having beers and wine. I drank 1 big bottle of beer, my felt that my legs were floating... Lolx... Everyone thought that i was drunk, Plus Yian Ming and class-rep trying to fool me, but i fool them back, Hahahaha....
Next sharing sessions lor... Where Aaron was the host... Wah.. very boring la.... Everyone was very tired that night. So whoever turns to speak, seems like no one listening.
After that, 5a.m lor... Kebanyakan orang pun sudah balik rumah masing- masing. Poor Pui Han, she was bully(wet by water) by 5 boys( you know who la), I felt pity to her, from the beginning of the party, she kept making chicken for us to BBQ, and she didn't eat much too. Felt very sorry la., can't save her. Later, Seu Sin joined Pui Han kena bully juga... Haiz... those monkeys...
SO on... SO on...
After that day, i skipped class... I went to practise my driving skills... Friday, Saturday and Sunday... Till today, I passed the test and own myself a P license, Haha! Finally i can drive.
Speaking of car.... I got cheated by my parents again... They promised that they will buy me a car after I get my license... But... Hiaz... LIAR!!!! I swear that I'll never trust them anymore. LIAR!!!
Ok la, don't want to say much. Just end here.
Thanks for reading( please don't complain too long).
Hmm... Around this month, many things had happened. Test, Camp, Celebrations...
Since those are last year event, so i skip those, so hopefully no 1 complain about it, lol...
Last Thursday, 31th of December 2008, my class held a celebration party for new year countdown. Firstly, the class started to planned the event 2 days before the party. Everyone seems got exited. The girls prepare the food while we boys prepare stuff like charcoal, matches and all some sort of things just like going a forest camp. As a country boy(Kamparian), I've to bring my classmate to find charcoal shop. So that day going out with was Jia Huei with his car. I lead him to the town but unfortunately the shop was closed, so I lead him to another sunrise shop to buy charcoal. i felt sorry for leading Jia Huei round the town, cause... Proton cars just like petrol eater... waste lots of petrol that day... Next, departed to Mrs. Chew's(Anna)[just kidding] house to offer some help. She was shifting house form east to west lake. I was supprise when both of us Me and Jia Huei reached there, it seems like Anna's dad finished everything... And so on...
Thirdly, BBQ. Damn.. The sky seems sad for passing 2008 and keep crying like a baby leaving us trouble. Gladly, everyone attended the party in time, but mostly get wet( I wonder anyone get cold). Hey!!! Where is Kelvin?! We can't left him out!!! So I decide to fetch him( Actually Jia Huei is the driver not me), together 3 of us included Ah Foo went to Mambang Diawan. Whao... Kelvin's house like deep in the forest, hard to find at the first, lol... And so on...
Then, Let's start the BBQ, everyone was very hungry. Burn ah, Burn ah, Cook ah, Cook ah, Faster ah, Faster ah... Everyone enjoyed. One more thing, I remember that day i was competing with Jia Huei to see who can make the fire bigger. Hahaha... Blowing the fire like hell. Hahaha...
After the feast, some of us get bored so they just went out riding motor illegally in the area. everyone was exited, line up to rite motor. For me, I borrowed Seu Sin's car to drive with, just practicing... But very stress la, since the car is not mine and some more unexpected playful passengers with me... T.T
Around 11.45p.m, almost time to countdown, BUT there's where accident happened, Jia Huei and Cheng Yih fell from the motor during avoiding crushing to another motorcyclist... Jia Huei was badly hurt, bleeding some more... I felt sorry, I cant do a thing, plus standing a side like an idiot.
At 12a.m, 1st of 2009!!! We celebrated beside the lake, having beers and wine. I drank 1 big bottle of beer, my felt that my legs were floating... Lolx... Everyone thought that i was drunk, Plus Yian Ming and class-rep trying to fool me, but i fool them back, Hahahaha....
Next sharing sessions lor... Where Aaron was the host... Wah.. very boring la.... Everyone was very tired that night. So whoever turns to speak, seems like no one listening.
After that, 5a.m lor... Kebanyakan orang pun sudah balik rumah masing- masing. Poor Pui Han, she was bully(wet by water) by 5 boys( you know who la), I felt pity to her, from the beginning of the party, she kept making chicken for us to BBQ, and she didn't eat much too. Felt very sorry la., can't save her. Later, Seu Sin joined Pui Han kena bully juga... Haiz... those monkeys...
SO on... SO on...
After that day, i skipped class... I went to practise my driving skills... Friday, Saturday and Sunday... Till today, I passed the test and own myself a P license, Haha! Finally i can drive.
Speaking of car.... I got cheated by my parents again... They promised that they will buy me a car after I get my license... But... Hiaz... LIAR!!!! I swear that I'll never trust them anymore. LIAR!!!
Ok la, don't want to say much. Just end here.
Thanks for reading( please don't complain too long).
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